Wednesday, May 13, 2009

_ Happy Birthday Robert Pattinson_

°Ok, as you all know today our dear Robert reached 23 years old. YaY! Let's give him the best Happy Birthday guys.°

° So I have to say, that Robert is obviously the talk of the year, since everyone got addicted to him after Twilight hit the screens. But they are some people out there who loved, and actually knew about Robert before even Harry Potter. Thank you, I'm talking about me and other people too.°

° Robert I wish you a very good birthday, I mean it, you have fun today, cause it's your day, I none can ruin it. Well I hope so!°

_Happy Birthday Robert Pattinson_

Sunday, May 10, 2009


°I'm a person with big addictions. When I get addicted to something, I can't work, can't concentrate to anything. And this is sad, pathetic. For example right now, I have exams. And I have to work. Well trust me, I haven't done anything yet. Nothing. And I'm going to fell this year, I feel it. Those are my addictions people:°

-Twilight Saga. I can't stop talking about it, googling it. I can't. 
-Music. "Music is my Life" well this is true. My life is a soundtrack. I'm sleeping while listening to music, I work with music, I walk while listening to music, I write. I'm doing everything with music.
-Facebook. The big phenomenal of those past 2 years. Every single day, the first thing I do, is go to Facebook. It's sad, really.
-Writing songs/stories. I have to tell you, that I always wanted to write a book. But the problem is that I don't know how to started. If you guys have any advice please, by mu guest.
-Photoshop. Of course who isn't? Make arts, new things that's a addiction.
-Movies. I must be one of those people who can't sleep if they don't watch a episode of their favorite TV show or watch a new movie. 

_I can't find anything else. For now._

°Still here talking shit. Right, cause I have a bad habit (yes another one) I can't stop talking. And you really don't want to see me stressed, because I really can't shut up. It's impossible, really. That's what my mum used to tell to other mums. "My daughter is a very open person!'. Ok. " And of course a talented one!". Pardon me? I never understood the last one. Well yeah, i can draw. By copying it. I can't even make a correct circle, because of my hands. I can't stop shaking.° 

°I actually suck at pretty much everything. I can't sing. My voice is even more tragic than Pierce Brosman's in Mama Mia!. Really. I try to dance, but my feet seems to be uncontrollable. I promise. So I end up dancing like a clown in front of my friends. So when we go out (yes I dance, of course). But there is a moment that I'll say "I'm tired" just because I can't dance anymore, I don't feel the need to. And of course I prefer watch people dance and make fool of themselves. Of course.° 

°I smoke. Yes, I do, I told you I'm trying to be a rebel. Joking. I smoke very badly. Like all the time. Some people like sports, well I like smoking. And I say to myself, "Newps, you have the same percentage to die. The one who's is running can fall and break a leg, or he's head. So dead. And you, you can have cancer. And dead." At least I'm going to have 2 months left, and I can fight it. Right? Joking, again. See? I can't even make jokes. I suck at that too.°

°_And please tell me that you are not reading this._° :D

_Robert Pattinson/ Kristen Stewart_

°Ok, this is it. I'm tired of  reading on YouTube comments like "Oh they are dating" or "She brooke up with Michael for Rob". Guys you have to stop this. You can't gossip about things you don't know (nobody knows). I'm serious, I get so pissed of sometimes, cause they are some girls about like, 12-16 years old, that don't understand that what they are doing is actually called acting. Edward don't exist that's why I'm so in love with him. But guys, you have to realize that those are real person, with real feelings. We can't change how they feel. Kristen has a boyfriend. You don't fall in love like "that". °

°_I'm one of those fans who want them to be together, I really do, but we have to build limits._°  

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

_A BIG Twilight Saga Fan_ (DUH**)

°I am, and always will be one. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and maybe Midnight Sun. What if you haven't read those books yet? Well trust me, you have too. I had Harry Potter, The Lords of The Rigs, The Golden Compass. But nothing, nothing can compares to those books. I don't know, maybe Stephanie Meyer is more than human too. Cause her mind is so magical, so perfectly combine, to make us dream and travel to another world.°

°Then of course there is the movie. This perfectly written movie. And finally, our Bella Swan and Edward Cullen became reality. Became real characters. Became part of our dreams, part of our lives, mostly. We had Kristen Stewart a perfectly really "human" actress. And then we had, Robert Pattinson a perfectly "courageous" actor. And they made the books look real. And I really thank them for that. I do.°

°Now, we only have to wait. New Moon is filming, fans are screaming. It's official, The Twilight Saga is a phenomenal. Already.°

_My WoNderful "AbOUt mE"_

Let me introduce myself to you guys. I know that nobody is ever going to read this, but I'm just doing it for me; cause I really need to write. I need to feel free, and the only way I can do that is by writing.

_My name is °Natalia° but all of my friends call me °Newps°. I can't lie, even if I try, I suck at it. I'm a nerd, I read all the time, even if I hate the book, it's just a habit that I have seen little kid, and I can't stop it. I sucked and hated school, which I finished last year, finally. I play the piano even if I don't know how to read the notes, so yeah it's all by hear._

_Oh right. I'm Greek, I speak French, English and a bit of Italian (actually I just know how to say buon giorno and that' it). I passed my Bac ES (economic section) which I hated, but I didn't know how to write and hated Maths so I had no other choice. And now I study, Advertising in Belgium, which is nice. I can't tell perfect cause it's not really what I want._

_Right. My dream? Don't laugh like my father used to when I was a kid. I wanted to become a producer or director. Or even better a writer. Write a book, can be my dream. I never wanted to be an actress, to much problems, to much responsibilities I think. And even if I wanted and want, it costs to much so. I can still dream about that I think._

_Taste in music, right. Difficult one. I can't actually live without listen to music. I don't understand some people who like, work, walk, without listening to music. (I actually listen to -It's Not My Time- from 3 Doors Down). I'm more kinda of rock, and then I can change to soul, then I can change to R'n'B, then to pop, then to pop-rock... But to be honest with you guys... Van Morrison for life._

_I cut my hair, last month. With a friend. I thought I was a rebel. But who am I joking I'm certainly not a rebel, cause I can't do bad things. I can't even hate people. When I try to hate someone I end up hating myself for trying. Weird, I know. I love dogs, lions. I dream about having a dog. Golden Retriever. But again who am I joking? I can't even take care of myself._

_So this is the end of the first article. This blog, going to be crazy. _ 

There is no need to read all those stupid things :D